Join us for an evening of elegance and excitement at this black tie-optional gala to benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of Brevard. Enjoy fine food, complimentary spirits, music, and silent and live auctions!
NOVEMBER 9, 2024
6:00 - 10:00 P.M.
The Goldfinger Gala is SOLD OUT!
Donations are still being accepted.

The Friends of the CACB is a nonprofit organization comprised of community volunteers whose mission is to raise awareness and funds in support of the CACB’s programs and services for abused children.
The 007 Gala is their Signature fundraising event in which they engage community leaders as James Bond Contestants, 007 Agents & Moneypenny’s, in a friendly competition to support their mission.
James Bond is the Protector of England; Brevard’s Top Bond is the Protector of Brevard’s Children.
Exceptional 007 Agents and Moneypennys have accepted the Special 007 Assignment and are competing for the title of Brevard’s Top Bond ~ Protectors of Brevard’s Children.
Become a sponsor, purchase a ticket, or make a donation in support of your favorite 007 Agent and Moneypenny, and join us at the GOLDFINGER Gala where we will celebrate their success and award the title.
Trips of a Lifetime provided by AmFund
Meet Our 007 Agents and Moneypenny Contestants competing for the title of Brevard’s Top Bond ~ Protector of Brevard’s Children.
Purchase a Ticket, Become a Sponsor, or Make a Donation in support of your favorite Special 007 Agent & Moneypenny!
Support Your 007 Agent & Moneypenny
Purchase a Sponsorship
The Goldfinger Gala is SOLD OUT!
Donations are still being accepted.
Purchase a Ticket
The Goldfinger Gala is SOLD OUT!
Donations are still being accepted.
Make a Donation

Become a Sponsor of the GOLDFINGER Gala in support of any Special 007 Agent & Moneypenny competing for the Title of Brevard’s Top Bond: "Protector of Brevard’s Children".
As a sponsor, you will be identified with an organization that is accredited by the National Children’s Alliance for meeting comprehensive standards of excellence and providing quality services for abused children in our community. Your sponsorship means that you too believe in what we are doing to help abused children and are willing to support the programs and services provided by the Children’s Advocacy Center of Brevard.
The Goldfinger Gala is SOLD OUT!
Donations are still being accepted.

Signature Sponsor
VIP distinction as event signature sponsor & recognition by emcee
Reserved table and seating for 10 at Gala
VIP champagne toast for table
Recognition on media advertisements, event program, table signage, Friends of CACB website

Signature Sponsor
- VIP Gala sponsor recognition by emcee
- Reserved table and seating for 10 at Gala
- VIP champagne toast for table
- Recognition on media advertisements, event program, table signage, Friends of CACB website
- VIP Gala sponsor recognition by emcee
- Reserved seating for 8 at Gala
- Recognition media advertisements, Gala program, Friends of CACB website
- VIP Gala sponsor recognition
- Reserved seating for 6
- Recognition on event program, Friends of CACB website
- VIP Gala sponsor recognition
- Reserved seating for 4
- Recognition on event program, Friends of CACB website
- VIP Gala sponsor recognition
- Reserved seating for 2
- Recognition on event program
Signature Goldfinger Sponsor:
Please contact Diane.Scott@schfbrevard.org or 321-241-6610 for assistance with sponsorship opportunities, tickets, or donations.